The Autumn season is a wonderful time for transformation and change. As the outdoor temperature gradually drops, we adjust to new schedules and activities while the colours of nature around us turn into a beautiful blaze of warmth. As the weather transforms outside, consider if anything in your life needs some renewal. Consider the many ways that you spend your time and energy. Are there any activities/tasks that are draining your energy and inconsistent with your higher path in life? Perhaps it is time to let go of negative thought patterns and anything else that no longer serves your higher purpose.
What is your higher purpose? I believe I am finally on my chosen path. Every moment I spend in my studio is a moment of gratitude that I am able to share the gifts that I have been given with others, and inspiration to continue my learning. If you haven't found your higher purpose --- you need to spend more time on your mat!
Use the following breathing practice to clear away negative thought patterns, or to affirm a transformation you need to make in your life. It can be as deep, or as simple as you wish. Small changes can have profound effects on our lives.
Sit comfortably on a chair with your spine straight and your hands on your knees. Start to breathe deeply through the nostrils, matching your deep inhales with slow exhales. Set an intention to clear away negative thought patterns, negative energy left by others, or to change something in your life. Think about what you wish to manifest in its place. For example, you may want to replace anger with understanding, or perhaps old furniture with empty space and floor cushions. As you inhale, focus your thoughts on
Finally, thank your Spirit and allow your heart to overflow with gratitude for the abundance you already have in your life!
Namaste, Kathryn